Wednesday, January 16, 2008
9 Years
Today the husband and I are married for 9 years. I'm off to look for a willow gift for him. Or one made out of pottery. Those are the traditional gift materials for this anniversary year. Leather if you want to go modern.

So what can I say about marriage after being in one for nine years? Well, some days it's ridiculously easy. Everyone's in sync, we're having a good time, the world in wallpapered in rainbows and doves circle over head, chirping our song to us as we skip through tulips and feed each other peeled grapes.

Other days it's hard because everyone's giving 110% and you're tired and for once in your flipping life it'd be nice to have some time to yourself but that person? The one you married? They're always THERE. And you live in an apartment so not only are they THERE, they can see you from almost any room in the house and there's no privacy, even in the bathroom because your cat insists on clawing the door open while you're in there doing your business and for the love of pete WHY DO YOU INSIST ON TALKING TO ME THE MINUTE I PICK UP A BOOK?

But then you go to bed at the end of long day and just as you're about fall asleep that person? The one you married? The one that's always THERE? They come to bed and give you a very sweet kiss on the cheek and say "Goodnight. I love you." And suddenly you are very happy because that person? The one you married? The one who's always THERE? You are very happy you married him and that he's always there, by your side, night after night, resting up for the next day together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to two of the Best children God ever made. Both of you are truly a blessing. Mer, what you wrote is really nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Your sentiments are beautiful!

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