Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sunday Miscellany
All week I've been looking forward to this Sunday night and not because Desperate Housewives is airing a new episode. Beginning tonight and running through March, PBS is showing film adaptations of all six of Jane Austen's novels, plus a biopic of Miss Austen herself. You have no idea how this appeals to my inner English-lit nerd.


Yesterday was the festival of taking down the Christmas decorations. John had taken the kids to the park so I could finish without tearing the spotted elephant out of anyone's hands and cruelly packing it away in a plastic box for eleven months.

I decided to listen to some Christmas music as a last hurrah of the season. I was at the point when the tree was bare, I was hungry because I'd skipped lunch, perhaps a little dehydrated because I hadn't had any water in awhile, fa-la-la-la-la-ing around the house when suddenly, I didn't know if I was coming or going. Was I decorating? Or un-decorating? Was it Christmas or 2008 already? Were those lights ready to be packed up or put up?

A quick look to the curb to see lots of other discarded trees confirmed I was indeed packing up. Whew. I wasn't ready for a second round of Christmas.


Blogger Andie said...

fa la la la la....your good. I pulled mine down the day after Christmas. Couldn't stand it anymore!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

now there's a thought, not knowing if your coming or going, we old folks go through that all the time!! Enjoy your Jane Austen tonight, maybe i'll tape them, oh but then again, i would have to become the tivo police as well as the computer police to moniter that shows i want to see do not somehow, by some unknown person or cat and dog BECOME ERASED!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This year I got a table top tree. I've wanted to do that for a few years now but Tara talked me into getting the big ones I've always gotten. The only thing is, she's never around to help take it down.So taking it down this year was a breeze. Enjoy your Jane Austin.

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