Thursday, March 27, 2008
Busy, Busy
I've been a very busy bee loading videos and music onto my new ipod working here at the office.

So busy that I haven't had time to THINK of blogging. Who can blog when you are so busy
checking audiobooks out of the local library working? I'm very dedicated to my job, after all. So you know, I have to keep my priorities STRAIGHT.

I mean, really. All it is download, download, download work, work, work. Slaving away, keeping clients happy and then going home to download more music from your dusty CD collection give the kids a homecooked meal, read them some stories and then put them to bed so you can rip the 5th and 6th discs of the Gilmore Girls series 1 to itunes have some quiet time to yourself.


Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like you're having fun being so busy! LOL!!!

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