Friday, November 2, 2007
How My Next Few Weekends Will Be Spent
Before I show you the picture, let me just start by saying that this week I proved to myself how much one can learn through osmosis when your husband watches This Old House and New Yankee Workshop.

So there I was, minding my own business on Wednesday afternoon when I happened to walk past this desk out on the sidewalk in front of a store called George's Potpourri. Basically, it's an antique shop without the charm. Unless you find the old, cantankerous proprietor charming, then it really is everything you could ask for in an antiques shop.

$10. That's it. $10. Sophie's been needing a place to do her school work and art projects for a long time now and this desk is the most perfect size.

I start by asking John if I can use the electric sander we have on the piece. "No, it's got a veneer."

"No, it doesn't."

"Yes it does, and you can't sand something like that."

"But it doesn't have a veneer. It's all wood."

After careful inspection, John said, "gee, you might be right."

Then he said "You'll have to be careful with the handles, you'll need a tool for that."

"I'm replacing the handles."

"Well, you can't if the handles are glued on."

"They're not. They're screwed on."

After careful inspection, John said, "gee, you're right."

John just isn't as excited about this project as I am.

So I went to work and asked a friend who refinishes furniture when he isn't busy making his own beer. Basically I have two options: lightly sand and repaint or strip and repaint. But I should not sand all the paint off because of the potential lead hazard.

I thought about stripping it. Even though it might be a fairly easy but very messy job, I don't have a garage to do it in. So, a light sanding, filling in some gouges and a paint job it is!

This is my favorite part of the desk:

It's a phone number in the old format for someone living in Lynnbrook, NY. Sophie has told me this must go.

As for the paint: we'll be using a color combination similar to the palette below, just less ice-creamy, since it is for a girl who wants it all pink. I think this is a good combination. We'll see if it passes muster with HRH Sophie.

Spring Fling Paint


Blogger Andie said...

hey nice desk! great find. I love the colors you picked. remember my bedroom in brooklyn???

Blogger Andie said...

hey nice desk! great find. I love the colors you picked. remember my bedroom in brooklyn???

Blogger Meredith said...

I remember the pink. Was it green, too?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The desk is really nice. The pic makes it look a little too tall for Sophie, but Mommy knows best. I love the colors you guys picked.


Blogger Unknown said...

nice colors... that desk was a great find at an even greater price!

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