Sunday, August 5, 2007
Our First Day on Vacation
After a late start and a mediocre lunch at a diner, we stopped and got take-out for dinner at a local farm.

Harry loved the little "general store" which was really just a room with shelves for jams and preserves. We bought pumpkin butter. It's like Thanksgiving in a jar.

Here's our local farm store booty...a fresh baked pie, Jersey tomatoes, white peaches, pumpkin butter and a camera shy bakers half dozen ears of corn.

For dinner we grilled the corn in their husks, and using fresh basil we brought from home....

the Jersey tomatoes and a store-bought fresh mozzarella ball, we made a caprese salad.

A little grilled chicken and steamed veggies rounded out our meal.

And for dessert:

strawberry rhubarb pie. D. Lish.

Campfire. S'mores. Bed. Great day.


Blogger Unknown said...

Where in Pa. did you go? I'm coming over for dinner. The food looks great!!!

Blogger Andie said...

yumm-o everything looks great! save some for me!

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