Monday, October 6, 2008
Do You Vote Alone?
I skipped blogging about voting over the weekend to take the kids to each and every fall celebration/festival/carnival/party our neighborhood offered.

We started at the neighborhood hardware store riding ponies, eating cotton candy at 11:30 am and painting pumpkins. Then we made our way over to the blessing of the animals at the church on the corner. Then we dropped Sophie off at a birthday party and I went off and helped our church serve nearly 200 bratwurst dinners at the annual Oktoberfest. Did you know Oktoberfest loosely translates to "knees will hurt in the morning"? The old gray Mer just ain't what she used to be.

So back to the subject of voting, which we'll be doing in a mere 28 days. I take my kids to our polling site. Our neighbors, who dutifully work the polls every election day, ply them with cookies under the bizarre orange lighting of the middle school gym. And then, when it's my turn to have my say, you don't know if I've gone in to vote or go the bathroom because all my comments to the kids are exactly the same. "Don't touch anything!" "Just stand here." "No, you can't press the button." "Stop licking the walls." Oh, wait. That was at the zoo. But you get the gist.

We talk politics at home very occasionally and John and I are registered as independent voters. But I bring them with me time and again to drive the point home: you have a voice and when you are 18 you can cast your vote for the candidate of your choice. Because you can. How about you? Do you take your kids or spouse to vote with you?


Blogger Unknown said...

Many times Tara went with me or stayed with a friend. Now, of course, she goes by herself. I vote after work because teachers have professional development while the kids have the day off. My husband works the polls in the school we vote in so he votes while he's there.

Blogger Andie said...

you bet your booty!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Betcha, Stan and i go together, when you guys were little, we didn't take you along, too much of an effort i guess. Anyway, i love your line "old gray Mer" What a great pun on words.
Love all around,

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